Nitra (SK)

Párovské Lúky: leading example for future urbanization How do you envision a sustainable development of the Párovské Lúky area that embraces biodiversity, climate, wellbeing and equity? That question was the focus of the first PLUS Change co-creation session for the area of Nitra in Slovakia. Nitra is part of PLUS Change for a reason: climate change … Continued

Kyjov (CZ)

Polámané: leading example for future winemaking How can we embrace the landscape and the old mines of the Polámané brownfield to create a sustainable and thriving community area that enhances the identity of Kyjov? That question was the focus of the first PLUS Change co-creation session for the region South Moravia in the Czech Republic.  … Continued

Parc Ela (CH)

Make Parc Ela “erlebbar” How do we produce sustainable, authentic food that is processed and offered locally? That question was the focus of the first PLUS Change co-creation session for the regional nature park “Parc Ela” in Switzerland.  The effects of climate change are also very noticeable in Parc Ela. Farmers in the area are … Continued

Amsterdam (NL)

From common land to water land How can we create a sustainable landscape with space for nature, farming, living and recreation? That question was the focus of the first co-creation session about the Zaanstreek-Waterland region, organized by the Vrije Universiteit (VU) in Amsterdam. To make the landscape in Zaanstreek-Waterland future proof, the original peatland in … Continued

Made by Biobased Creations for This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101081464.