There are various options to engage with Possible Landscapes. This means that we always determine the right elements, amount of information, form and interaction for each assignment and per audience.

There are three different flavors that we like to present. This gives you an idea of the possibilities. We would be happy to further discuss a suitable offer.

Model installation
The model installation is about a specific area and theme that is displayed in 3D. It shows the possibilities that arise from co-creation sessions with the local chain. The first model installation is about rewetting in the peatland area De Peel (The Netherlands).

  • You can visit the model, tour with storyteller (30-60 min.).
  • You can rent the model for your event with a storyteller.
  • You can organize the sessions around the model installation (see below).
  • You can order a new model installation regarding a different area.

Round table sessions
These sessions are about the possibilities for an area based on a case (a specific question). This is an interactive session in which a question within an area process is discussed under the guidance of a facilitator. Imagination and storytelling are important elements in the session. The starting point is always a visual representation of the area. In addition to the facilitator, a sketch artist is present at the session to record the outcomes. These can then be presented in an exhibition. Depending on your situation, there are different options:

  • With or without conversation table.
  • With or without model installation.
  • With or without exhibition of the drawings.

In an exhibition we bring the different content together, for example during an event, a festival or in a museum. This can be done with or without storytellers, but always with at least one volunteer to have a conversation with. The expo can be a combination of different elements:

  • The model installation plus drawings (and possibly props, plants, etc.).
  • Of various model installations.
  • Of various model installations plus drawings (and possibly props).
  • From various drawings (with or without props).